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What is Velvet?

"Velvet" is the growing antler of elk and other members of the deer family. Except in reindeer and caribou, antlers are carrried only by males.  Don Bamber holding up velvet antlers

All members of the deer family (cervids) grow and shed antlers every year. Antlers grow at an incredible rate of speed, and therefore are considered the perfect renewable resource. Velvet antler is the blood filled collagenous matrix that forms the rapidly growing antler structure.

Velvet antler is composed of:

Velvet antlers have been used since ancient times as traditional medicines in the Orient and throughout Europe. Ancient writings about its medicinal properties go back several thousand years.  Although Chinese and Korean sources are  most often quoted, texts from the early Roman Empire suggest its widespread use in Europe.  

Contrary to popular western speculation, velvet is not used as an aphrodisiac. It has been used to treat impotence and menstrual irregularities but its common use is as a tonic to offset a variety of stresses ranging from cold weather to demanding employment. It also has been  used to treat a variety of conditions including arthritis.

The scientific basis of these effects are only now being addressed by researchers in Asia, New Zealand and Canada.  For more information click on these links.    2000 Antler Science Symposium     Alberta Elk Association

Box 403,
Sangudo, Alberta, Canada T0E 2A0
Tel:  (780) 785-3558  Fax:  (780) 785-3379

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Page updated:  23 Nov 2004