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After several years of careful planning including fact-finding missions to the United States and Asia, the processing plant was brought into production in 1994.  

The plant and the process are absolutely state-of-the-art and are based on years of careful research.  Dried velvet from processing plants in Alberta and elsewhere is first scraped and singed to remove the fine velvet covering.  The antler is then ground, mixed and encapsulated.Encapsulation Process

Our quality, efficiency and reliability of our plant has interested other companies and research institutions wishing to encapsulate a variety of herbal formulations for commercial or scientific use.

Visitors are impressed with the dedication to quality and attention to hygiene.
The plant is certified by Health Canada and is subject to surprise inspections.

You can always count on being able to consult with Don over the phone and visitors are always welcome to a tour of our facilities.  

Box 403,
Sangudo, Alberta, Canada T0E 2A0
Tel:  (780) 785-3558  Fax:  (780) 785-3379

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Page updated:  23 Nov 2004